Club Ethos & Rules
No Ego
Leave your ego at the door. Be humble and respectful to others.
No Phones
No phones should be used during class unless explicit consent was granted by one of the coaches
Gi and training clothes must be clean for every session. No split Gi's. Always wash belts and knee pads as well as your Training attire after every session
Be on time for class. If you are late ask to join the class before stepping on the mat.
Appropriate Language
No swearing on the mat at any time.
Personal Hygiene
Proper personal hygiene is required. Finger and toenails must be kept short and clean. No one should attend class with any rashes, open wounds or are unwell in any way.
Be Humble
Be humble in victory and defeat, Don't talk about submitting someone and don't make excuses when submitted. Show respect to your training partners before and after sparring session. Remember you are nothing without your training partners.
Appropriate Attire
When attending a Gi class you must make sure you have your Gi jacket, pants and belt and they have been washed before the class.
When attending a No Gi class you should wear a rash guard or an activewear t-shirt. No cotton and martial arts shorts (no pockets)
Submission Control
Apply all submissions with extreme care and control. If at any point you see, hear or feel a tap you are to immediately release all pressure of any hold or submission and disengage from your opponent.
What Can't I Wear?
Remove all jewelry, piercings and no metal objects are to be worn on the mat.